miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

WORD OF THE DAY :: Sledge ( noun )

Sledge /sleʤ/

Definition :: An object used for travelling over snow and ice with long, narrow strips of woodor metal under it instead of wheels. It can be either a low frame, or a vehicle like a carriage pulled by horses or dogs = Snow vehicle = Trineo

Word of the day 

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

WORD OF THE DAY :: Harness ( noun )

Harness /ˈhɑːnɪs/ 

Definition :: A piece of equipment with straps and belts, used to control or hold in place a person, animal, or object = Arnés.

Word of the day  


Una herramienta útil que podemos usar para escuchar la pronunciación de una palabra en inglés es :


Una herramienta muy útil para poder obtener cómodamente la transcripción fonética, Británica o Americana, de una palabra escrita en inglés es utilizar PHONETIZER.
Está disponible el software para mac o windows y la versión online. 

También tenemos en versión online PHOTRANSEDIT.

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

GRAMMAR :: Quantifiers, enough


enough = suficiente / bastante

enough + noun ( enough money / enough people , etc )

e.g. We have enough money = Tenemos suficiente dinero.

enough without noun

e.g. You're always at home. You don't go out enough = Siempre estás en casa. No sales bastante.

adjective / adverb + enough ( good enough / tall enough , etc )

e.g. I arrived early enough = Llegué lo suficientemente temprano.

GRAMMAR :: Quantifiers, too / not enough


too = demasiado

too + adjective / adverb

e.g. It's too loud = está demasiado alto

too much + Uncountable noun / Verb

e.g. There is too much salt in this food = Hay demasiada sal en esta comida.

too many + Plural countable noun

e.gThere are too many students in this classroom = Hay demasiados estudiantes en esta clase.

Not enough

enough = suficiente / bastante

not + adjective / adverb + enough

e.g. He isn't old enough to drive = No es lo suficientemente mayor para conducir

Too / Not enough

Too big

e.g. The hat is too big for him = el sombrero es demasiado grande para él

Not big enough

e.g. The hat isn't big enough for him = El sombrero no es lo bastante grande para él.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

GRAMMAR :: This / That / These / Those


This / That / These / Those  +  sustantive or without sustantive

That = algo que ha ocurrido / algo que alguien acaba de decir.

This / That can refer to people in the following situations:

(Telephone):  This is ....    e.g. Hi Sarah, this is David. = ( Hola Sarah, soy David. )
                     Is That ...?  e.g. Is that Sarah? = ( ¿eres Sarah? )

(Introduce people): This is ... e.g.       

          A: Brian, this is Chris. = ( Brian, esta es Chris .)
          B: Hello, Chirs - nice to meet you = ( Hola, Chirs - encantado de conocerte )
          C: Hi. = ( Hola )

like this / like that = así ( de este modo / de ese modo )

e.g. Don't do it like that. Do it like this = ( No lo hagas así. Hazlo así ).
      Don't look at me like that = ( No me mires así )

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014


The most useful online dictionaries that I use when I want to know the meaning of english words in Spanish are: 


viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014


SPEAKING :: Introducing other people

How to introduce other people

This is = este es / esto es / esta es

This is Jane = ( Esta es Jane ).
This is Michael = ( Este es Michael ).

Hi Jane! This is Michael. Michael, this is Jane = (¡Hola Jane! Este es Michael . Michael, esta es Jane).

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

PRONUNCIATION :: Numbers 0 - 10

Numbers 1 - 10   

VOCABULARY :: Numbers 0 - 10

GRAMMAR :: Quantifiers much / many / a lot ( of )


much = mucho / mucha + uncountable nouns ( much food / much money )

How much? = ¿cuánto-a? e.g. How much money do you want? ( ¿cuánto dinero quieres? )


many  = muchos / muchas + countable nouns ( many books / many people )

How many? = ¿cuántos-as? e.g. How many photographs did you take? ( ¿cuántas fotografías tomaste? )

A lot of / A lot

A lot of  = mucho-a / muchos-as + countable noun plural or singular

 e.g. He eats a lot of fruit = ( come mucha fruta )

A lot = mucho-a / muchos-as 

e.g. He eats a lot = ( come mucho )

much = mucho-a

e.g. I don't like him very much = ( No le gusta mucho )

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

GRAMMAR :: Some and Any

Some ( = algo / algunos )

Use : In positive sentences. e.g.

I'm going to buy some clothes => Voy a comprar ropa.
We made some mistakes => Hicimos algunos errores.

We sometimes use some in interrogative sentences. 

Offers ( = Ofrecimientos ) => Would you like .......?  e.g. Would you like some coffee? 
Ask ( = Pedir ) => Can I have ....? e.g. Can I have some soup, please?


Use : In negative and interrogative sentences. e.g.

There isn't any milk in the fridge => No hay leche en la nevera.
Do you need any help? => ¿Necesitas ayuda?

Both of them can use alone too, without substantives. e.g.

I didn't take any photographs, but Jane took some.
You can have some coffee, but I don't want any.  

GRAMMAR :: Something / Anything / Nothing , etc

Something / Somebody or Someone / Somewhere

Use :  Positive sentences when you don't say exactly who, what or where.

Anything / Anybody or Anysomeone / Anywhere

Use : Negative and interrogative sentences.

In positive sentences meaning  =>

Anything => cualquier cosa / lo que sea.
Anybody or Anysomeone => cualquiera
Anywhere => en cualquier lugar.

Nothing / Nobody or Noone / Nowhere

Use : Negative meaning but positive verb. In short answers too.

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

GRAMMAR :: Present Simple to be (=ser/estar)

Affirmative (+)

Negative (-)

Interrogative (?)

En inglés es necesario usar los pronombres personales sujeto (= Subject )

e.g.   It's late NOT  Is late

Para la hora => It's half past ten ( = son las diez y media ).